Manager of the Year 2024 » How to Apply


Before proceeding, please make sure to:

  1. Read the criteria carefully and ensure that your application or nomination has the qualities that would grant eligibility for the respective Award(s).
  2. Make sure that your candidacy(-ies) meets the requirements.
  3. Complete and Sign the Application / Nomination Form. Anyone can apply or nominate; Self-entries are encouraged.
  4. Candidate’s consent is mandatory for submission of the nomination (in case of non-self-entry).
  5. Mandatory Material/ Information:
  • Candidate’s CV
  • Job title of candidate / nominee
  • Full Name and contact information (email, phone number) of candidate / nominee / nominator
  • Photo of Candidate (in high resolution)
  • Company’s Website supporting the application / nomination
  • Length of Employment with the Company (Years/Months): The candidate must have been employed with the company for a minimum of one year. Please specify the duration of their employment in years and months.
  • Candidate’s Golden Paragraph-Short Curriculum Vitae (maximum 300 words)
  • Candidate’s Communication Synopsis both in English and in Greek (maximum 300 words each) – A communication synopsis of the candidate’s bio and achievements is required, as part of the award process. This synopsis will be used in the event that the candidate is selected as an award recipient. The communication synopsis is vital as it allows us to effectively promote and showcase the winner’s accomplishments to both Greek and international audiences. By providing a synopsis in both English and Greek, we ensure comprehensive coverage and recognition of the awards and the deserving winners across various platforms.

*Try to answer the following questions:

  • Why me? (up to 300 words)
  • Context, Vision and Goal (up to 400 words)
  • Strategy and Actions (Key choices / strategic directions and actions taken) (up to 600 words)
  • Measurable Results (up to 400 words)
  • Final Impact at Organizational, Societal, Country etc. level (up to 200 words)
  • Key qualities (selection of up to 5 key qualities from the tickable list)

*Please note that you can review and make changes to your entry before the final deadline, even after submission.

6.  Optional documents or data providing further evidence:

Your entry can optionally include up to 10 attachments with a file size limit of 5MB per attachment.

Upon submission, expect a written confirmation of receipt. If you do not receive confirmation or you need any submission guidance, please contact:

Nancy Vogiatzi, Marketing and Communications Director, tel.: (+30) 697 6411 114, (+30) 210 3004808, email: [email protected]
Despina Travlou, Chair of the Steering Committee Manager of the Year Awards 2023, tel.: (+30) 6976722430, +30 210 3004808, email: [email protected]


  • The Organizing Company will give Jury members access to a safe online evaluation platform in order to ensure the smooth completion of the evaluation process.
  • There is no limit to the number of submissions to more Award categories by the same applicant.
  • Only valid applications or nominations will be evaluated. No change will be possible after the deadline of submissions (23:59 CET of Sunday 20 October 2024).
  • Evaluation of the candidacies is secret and strictly personal and the Judging Committee will follow the objective criteria which ensure the integrity of the process.
  • The Chair of the Committee protects, intervenes and acts as the guardian of the evaluation process.
  • During the evaluation process all due precautions will be taken to prevent any conflict of interest.
  • The Manager of the Year Award for each awarding category will be granted to one of the shortlisted Candidates for each of the categories.
  • All material/information provided in the context of the candidacies is strictly confidential. Members of the judging committee will have access to the material and information of the specific candidacies assigned to them for evaluation.
  • Each Judge will evaluate max 30 candidacies and they will have at their disposal the required time to complete the evaluation process.
  • The scores and the final grading will be strictly confidential.
  • The Mandatory material is crucial for the process; incomplete applications will not be considered.
  • Each candidacy is assessed on the basis of 5 equally important criteria, with grades ranging from 0 to 100. The final score for each candidacy will be the average of evaluating judges. In case of a tie, the Chair of the Judging Committee convenes a meeting with the Judges to deliberate and reach a final decision. They will either finalize the scores or consider awarding both candidates, depending on the discussion and evaluation outcomes. In the case of no conclusion, the Chair of the Judging Committee has the casting vote.
  • To ensure objectivity and impartiality, the members of the Judging Committee do not communicate with each other. All communication is conducted through the Organizing Committee. Furthermore, all evaluation and scoring is uploaded directly by the evaluators into the digital evaluation platform.
  • A Judge must propose up to 5 nominees for any awarding category. Note: in case a Judge’s nomination coincides with an application or nomination already submitted, this will not affect the evaluation process in any way.
  • Candidates will not be evaluated by the judge who nominated them.
  • Applicants and Candidates carry the full and sole responsibility for the application that they submit, and they certify for the truth, completeness and accuracy of the elements contained therein. The evaluation of the candidacies by the Judging Committee will be based on the information provided and submitted during their online application process. The Organizing Company, and Judging Committee will not be able to check the accuracy of claims, facts and statements or the concealment of essential elements in a candidacy.
  • After completion of the evaluation process, the platform will be closed and accessibility to the material/information will be only granted to Judges by the Organizing Committee under the supervision of the Chair of the Judging Committee.
  • Upon the conclusion of the evaluation period, the online platform automatically generates average scores and leaderboards.
  • The auditing committee examines and certifies the process and issues the results.
  • If the score difference between the first and second finalists in any award category is less than one point, both will receive an award.
  • If the score difference between the second and third finalists and/or the third and the fourth finalists is less than one point, all of them will be declared as finalists in the category.
  • The Steering Committee retains the right to modify any article of the Awards regulation, and it is imperative to seek approval from the Auditing Committee and the Chair of the Judging Committee.