Manager of the Year 2024 » Award Terms & Conditions
  1. Eligibility
    • Only C-Suite (C, C-1, C-2) executives can enter for the Awards.
    • At the time of submission, candidates must have been employed in their current position at the company for a minimum of one year. They are required to indicate the duration of their employment in years and months.
    • The candidate’s consent is mandatory for the submission of a nomination (in case of non-self-entry).
  2. Nominations and Submissions
    • There is no limit to the number of submissions to different award categories by the same applicant.
    • Only valid applications or nominations will be evaluated. No changes will be possible after the submission deadline (23:59 CET, Sunday, 20 October 2024).
  3. Judging Committee
    • The judging committee consists of approximately 50 members/judges.
    • Judges cannot enter as candidates, and candidates cannot serve as judges.
    • To ensure impartiality, judges must abstain from evaluating colleagues, executives from competitive organizations, friends, or relatives.
    • Each judge will evaluate a maximum of 30 candidacies and will have the required time to complete the evaluation process.
    • Judges must propose up to 5 nominees for any award category. If a judge’s nomination coincides with an application or nomination already submitted, it will not affect the evaluation process.
  4. Evaluation Process
    • The Organizing Company will provide jury members access to a secure online evaluation platform to ensure the smooth completion of the evaluation process.
    • Evaluation of the candidacies is secret and strictly personal, adhering to objective criteria to ensure the integrity of the process.
    • The Chair of the Committee oversees, intervenes, and acts as the guardian of the evaluation process, ensuring all due precautions are taken to prevent any conflict of interest.
    • Each candidacy is assessed based on 5 equally important criteria, with grades ranging from 0 to 100. The final score for each candidacy will be the average of evaluating judges.
    • In case of a tie, the Chair of the Judging Committee will convene a meeting with the judges to deliberate and reach a final decision. If no conclusion is reached, the Chair of the Judging Committee has the casting vote.
    • To ensure objectivity and impartiality, members of the Judging Committee do not communicate with each other. All communication is conducted through the Organizing Committee. All evaluation and scoring are uploaded directly by the evaluators into the digital evaluation platform.
    • Candidates will not be evaluated by the judge who nominated them.
    • After the evaluation process, the platform will be closed, and accessibility to the material/information will be granted only to judges by the Organizing Committee under the supervision of the Chair of the Judging Committee.
    • Upon the conclusion of the evaluation period, the online platform automatically generates average scores and leaderboards.
  5. Confidentiality
    • All material/information provided in the context of the candidacies is strictly confidential. Members of the judging committee will have access only to the material and information of the specific candidacies assigned to them for evaluation.
    • The scores and the final grading will be strictly confidential.
  6. Results and Awards
    • The Manager of the Year Award for each awarding category will be granted to one of the shortlisted candidates for each category.
    • If the score difference between the first and second finalists in any award category is less than one point, both will receive an award.
    • If the score difference between the second and third finalists and/or the third and the fourth finalists is less than one point, all of them will be declared finalists in the category.
    • The auditing committee examines and certifies the process and issues the results.
  7. Responsibilities and Accuracy
    • Applicants and candidates carry full and sole responsibility for their submitted application, certifying the truth, completeness, and accuracy of the elements contained therein.
    • The evaluation of the candidacies by the Judging Committee will be based on the information provided and submitted during the online application process. The Organizing Company and Judging Committee will not verify the accuracy of claims, facts, statements, or the concealment of essential elements in a candidacy.
  8. Modifications
    • The Steering Committee retains the right to modify any article of the Awards regulation, subject to approval from the Auditing Committee and the Chair of the Judging Committee.
  9. Application/Nomination Deadline
    • The deadline for applications/nominations was initially set for Sunday, 13 October 2024, but was extended on Wednesday, 9 October 2024, to Sunday, 20 October 2024.